Monday, November 10, 2008

November in Michigan

Cold. Heavy. Dark. Feel like crawling off into some hole to die. Couldn’t care less about anything. Feels like we’re on the approach to solstice. Feels like November in Michigan.


Deborah Leiter Nyabuti said...

Hey Brian, I'm attaching some Indiana sun to this comment--hope it comes through properly, though you know how it is with technological things these days....

Hang in there, eh?

Brian Phipps said...

Thanks, Deb. I felt better after I went skating. It's this time of year that the symptoms of SAD really set in for me, and I haven't been serious enough about using my light box regularly. So I guess I'll be getting on that now. :0)

Deborah Leiter Nyabuti said...

Your welcome, Brian. I'm glad you felt better after skating. November can indeed be a very depressing month, even in sunnier Indiana (today, for instance, you wouldn't imagine that blanket of clouds was remotely related to the happy cumulus clouds of the summer).